What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the insertion of very thin needles to stimulate specific points of the body that reach meridians. These stimulation points are called acupuncture points or acupoints.
Traditional Chinese medicine holds that there are 361 commonly used acupuncture points on 14 meridians on the human body. Typically, it takes 15 to 30 minutes of manipulating the needles in these acupuncture points and 30 to 60 minutes of retaining the needles. Doing this helps to regulate the flow of qi throughout the body and restore health to the mind and body, thus balancing the yin and yang. The insertions of needles are manipulated either by the hand or by electrical stimulation, called electroacupuncture.
Is it safe? Does it hurt?
Yes, acupuncture is safe. The needles are sterilized single use, thin filiform needles; needles are discarded after being used once and never shared between patients.
Needles are inserted during an acupuncture treatment. Every patient experience is different; patients may experience bruising, bleeding, needle site pain and sensation, or needle fainting. However, these symptoms may be expected (minimal bleeding) and desired (tingle, tight sensation – “de qi response”). Patients should inform the practitioner if any discomfort arises.
Acupuncture in Traditional Chinese Medicine & Naturopathy
Both registered doctors of naturopathic medicine as well as registered Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners are trained and licensed to perform acupuncture in Ontario. At Healing Foundations Naturopathic Clinic, we offer acupuncture appointments with either Bing Wang, R.TCMP, R.Ac, or Dr. Heidi McGill, ND.
What to expect at the first appointment
When visiting an acupuncturist, patients should expect the following procedures: after the patient gives consent to treatment, the practitioner will gather information of the patient’s medical history, perform assessments and provide a diagnosis and treatment plan.
Appointment Fees & Scheduling
Appointments are available in-person at the Healing Foundations clinic. Saturday appointments are also available.
Complimentary 15-Minute Meet & Greets Available
Initial consultation & treatment (90 minutes) $155
Follow-up consultation & treatment (60 minutes) $130
Follow-up consultation & treatment (45 minutes) $100
Facial Acupuncture (60 minutes) $180